We have found this pet’s record

We found a pet record for this tag. Below is all of the information that the Pet Owner has currently made available online to those who look up the Tag ID. If you have spotted this pet or currently have this pet in your possession, please do one of the following:

  • Contact the pet owner directly if their contact information is provided below.
  • File a Found Pet Report by clicking the blue button below.
  • You may contact our 24/7 Hotline any time at 1-877-239-6072

Teddy is lost!

Lost Date January 11th, 9:37am
Wearing collar? Yes
Wearing DocuPet tag? No
Last seen at 515 Nichols Blvd, Sparks, NV 89431, USA
I came home from doing laundry with a friend that is helping me due to an injury and my dog had gotten out. He was locked in crate inside of home. I can not chase after him due to my back being injured at work. Had called dispatch


pet found at marker location on map


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Tag Code N2NVYDZ0
Breed Husky mix border collie
Species Dog

Basic Information

Color White, Black, Tan
Gender Male
Spayed/Neutered No
Pet Date of Birth 03/29/2023

Owner Information

Owner Name Franceska Kabasinskas
Cell Phone Number (925) 813-5674
Home Address 615 E Lincoln Way # 191
Sparks NV 89431

Pet Care Information

Medical Information