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Littles is lost!

Lost Date January 31st, 7:44am
Wearing collar? Yes
Wearing DocuPet tag? No
Last seen at Farris Apartments, East 4th Street, Reno, NV, USA
I asked a friend to let him stay because of the freezing weather until I got into safe camp now that I'm here she is refusing to return him to me. I have tried everything to get him back but was told I should leave him there or it was going to cause more problems than I wanted to deal with. I was unaware of how to get him back so I'm trying this avenue


pet found at marker location on map


%name%, a %color% %breed% %type%
Tag Code N2NRAX7Q (Expired)
Breed Chihuahua , Jack Russel mix
Species Dog

Basic Information

Color Black
Gender Male
Spayed/Neutered No
Microchip Number 982091066884140
Pet Date of Birth 09/05/2022

Owner Information

Owner Name Robyn Frucht
Phone Number (775) 386-0929
Home Address 1810 Threlkel St
Reno NV 89512

Pet Care Information

Medical Information

Veterinarian Options Veterinary Care